Talent Hero

Paid Advertising for Recruiters: Own Your Online Space

Your leads are online all day, every day — find them wherever they live

I want to grow my recruiting business

See what ads can do for your recruiting agency

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Start at the top of Google search
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Tap into the power of social media
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Connect with your audience where they congregate
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Build beautiful landing pages that convert

Talent Hero has already used advertising to grow recruiting businesses like yours

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"When we urgently needed new candidates for a job, Talent Hero was there to help. Their Facebook and Google Ads paid campaigns were really quite impressive."

Frank DeAngelo, President, Dynabill Solutions

Craft the perfect ad - every time

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Google Ads
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Social Media Ads
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Display Ads

Learn everything you need to know about advertising for recruiters

Are you ready to use advertising to take your recruiting business to the next level?

Book an advertising consultation call now